home Forums Health & Fitness Extremely fed up. Spinal problems Reply To: Extremely fed up. Spinal problems


I’ve had several MRIs, I get told they are fine, nothing significant. Thats also not true. The NHS refused to do a standing MRI or even Xray even though I have massively reduced pain when sitting and was collapsing with numb lower body when standing. A private xray showed what was happening straight away, although not the level of detail that an MRI would produce sadly and I cant afford private treatment, so thats that. At least I know its not in my head now which is what the NHS were trying to get me to believe.

The OP is describing severe neurological symptoms. The sort of symptoms that can lead to paralysis and worse. She clearly isnt functioning despite massive doses of opiates. This sort of thing is time critical, both from an alleviating the worst of the pain, but more importantly, from the point of view of finding out what is happening and fixing it before permanent damage is done.

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