home Forums Health & Fitness Extremely fed up. Spinal problems Reply To: Extremely fed up. Spinal problems


I have been there many times. Best one yet was a rheumatologist telling me joint hypermobility is benign and shouldn’t cause me pain. Yep, obviously joints dislocating isn’t painful in the slightest… I’ve heard it all at this point. Apparently being anemic for at least half my life isn’t worth looking for an explanation either just get more iron tablets shoved my way 🙄 i seem to get one extreme or the other, either doctors that think definitely something going on I’m going to get to the bottom of it or the ones who think it’s clearly all in my head.

I’m not a pensioner trying to fix a body that’s starting to fail with age here, i should be at a point in my life where I’m not worrying about my heath, having a good time and thinking about the future.
I would love to be able to go private for the answers i need to actually get these things sorted if it’s possible. But unfortunately it’s way out of my reach financially.

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