home Forums Health & Fitness Type 2 Diabetes advice, please! Reply To: Type 2 Diabetes advice, please!


I was diagnosed with type II diabetes towards the end of last year. All in all, it was a pretty rubbish last quarter.

The GP put me on metformin, 500mg morning and night. I’ve saw the endocrinologist in January, who confirmed the dosage, and I’m seeing her on Monday to see how I’m responding to treatment.

So besides the medication, I’ve reduced my already very low consumption of starches (bread and rice, because in general I ate very few potatoes and pastry anyway) and of beer, and cut out wine and almost all spirits (apart from the occasional glass of tsikoudia, boukha or whisky).

I’d read about this 800 calorie diet thing, and when I saw her in January I asked her about strict calorie control to get the diabetes in check, and she thinks it’s nonsense. I hope she’ll have taken the time to get up to date with recent research by the time I see her again.

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