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I cannot see how requiring your attention and skill will take all the energy needed for your ankle to heal. Sorry. Sounds like you don’t really want to go back to work, which is fair enough.

My job is incredibly pressured hence why I barely took a day off so I do understand but equally, sometimes you just have to get on with it.

If you are committed and want to be back at work then there’s a way.

If your company deem you too “high risk” to be in the office then it’s up to them to set the standard as to when you are allowed back- surely? So best ask them the rules. Sounds like you’ll need to be able to walk a certain distance in a certain time frame….

To be honest, it sounds like you are milking it a little. That’s fine, but then you have to bear the consequences re pay. I cannot get my head around your company deeming you too high risk for work. I have worked for small companies and massive corporates and plenty of people have been in and around the offices with various ailments.

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