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I think that you have answered my original question in your first post. You attended your usual place of work as soon as you could drive. Which is also what my manager has said that they would deem me fully fit when I can drive, so that’s something to aim for. Thank you for your input.

If your walking boot is off why can’t you drive now? Once my boot came off I got an ankle brace (from here), bandaged it on and drove. The consultant knew, he recommended the make of ankle brace. I used the walking boot to get to and from the car and kept the boot on all day at work. When I had to walk I increased the air pressure to protect my ankle and when I could sit down I elevated and released the pressure and even took the front off some of the time. I gradually changed over to using the ankle brace rather than the boot when I felt confident enough. I always used a crutch or sometimes 2 not because I always needed them but as a safety measure as it reminded me to be careful.
I too had a desk job and none of this interfered with it. People brought me coffee, I took lunch to have at my desk to rest my leg. I worked 7.5 hour days in a job that was stressed. If I made mistakes then I would have looked stupid in front of the professionals I was interviewing. I didn’t find a broken ankle made any difference to my ability to work accurately to a high standard. It was my ankle I had broken not my brain. The clerical staff ended up running around after me a bit collecting printing, moving files for me that sort of thing. I mostly went to work in jeans cut at the side for the boot but when decent clothes were required for interviews I managed.

We had a fire alarm, it was suggested that I was a guinea pig for the evac chair. Our office was on the top floor. I refused and told them I had no wish to break the other ankle as it looked risky. Once I established it was a drill I used the lift. The didn’t like it much but no way was I going to risk damage.
BUPA supplied a physio who was useless, I did the exercises at home and I chose to go to a chiropractor who was brilliant. There was no way I was going to stay off my horse so I rode with the ankle brace bandaged on with 2 bandages. I used the air boot when I was around the horses as support in case I got pushed about.

I found it was all an attitude of mind. I just took every safety precaution I could and got on with it. I could have got signed off for ages but I went to work as I knew I would end up with months of work piled up otherwise as no one covered my work.

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